
[IC] Contents Recycling usnig Content-based Image Retrieval on Mobile Devices


Although a lot of studies have been made on mobile learning, thestudy of content-based image recycling on mobile device is not known verywell. This paper presents a new approach which recycles and augments existingoff-line contents using a camera-equipped mobile device. Each individuallearner has a PDA and an off-line textbook (Picture English Book: PEB).During the PEB-watching learning activity, users are dynamically providedwith on-line information such as texts, videos and audios corresponding to theoff-line contents via the PDA. A content-based image retrieval system (CBIR)is constructed to provide learner with required information using imagerecognition and multimedia technologies, such that the objective of m-learningcan be achieved. We believe that it is worth developing a mobile learningsystem to provide the learners with a new educational environment which canrecycles the existing PEBs.

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